how to buy at ?
Step 1
Begin by navigating through the our products page.
Once you have found and reviewed your product and if it is available for online purchase you will see the add to cart button next to the price. Once you are ready to buy, simply click.
Step 2
Your item is added to your online shopping cart, displayed on-screen.
If you would like to continue shopping, return to the our products page.
Each time you select the add to cart button on a product page, you will return to the shopping cart to review your purchases, change quantities or remove items.
If you make any changes, always be sure to click the update button to ensure your changes are made.
Step 3
Once you are ready to check out, click the go to checkout button.
You will be taken to the secure page hosted by myshopify.
At this stage you will be asked for your personal information and shipping address.
(Attention! : odc or shopify will never ask you for your credit card number or any other financial information)
Once you have finished, click complete my purchase
Step 4
You will be directed to the secure PayPal page to complete your purchase
and will obtain the final fee including shipping & handling costs.
Please be sure that all of your contact, shipping and billing information is correct.
On the secure PayPal page, you will be able to realise your payment either with your credit card or through your Paypal account.
Once you have finished your payment process, you will be taken back to odc homepage.
Your order is on its way !